
17 Agu 2010

Smart StatMat Update n new Award

Agan2, ane mw ngupdate ssuatu terkait aplikasi ane(Smart StatMat) nih gan..Jadi cerita nya sore tanggal 17 Agustus 2010(bertepatan dg kemerdekaan Indonesia gan(hehe), ane dpet email dari yg spenggal isi ny kyak gini gan.

Smart StatMat, one of your products, has been added to Softpedia's database
of software programs for the Windows operating system. It is featured with
a description text, screenshots, download links and technical details on
this page:

The description text was created by our editors, using sources such as text
from your product's homepage, information from its help system, the PAD
file (if available) and the editor's own opinions on the program itself.

"Smart StatMat" has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several
industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of
adware/spyware components. We are impressed with the quality of your
product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future.

To assure our visitors that Smart StatMat is clean, we have granted it with
the "100% FREE" Softpedia award. To let your users know about this
certification, you may display this award on your website, on software
boxes or inside your product.

More information about your product's certification and the award is
available on this page:

Feel free to link to us using the URLs above. If you choose to link to the
clean award page for your product, you may use the award graphic or a text
link: "100% FREE award granted by Softpedia".

Nah, inti ny ane mw ksih tambahan terkait award ny aplikasi ane gan, yaitu:

Udah dpet award klo Smart StatMat ini bebas dari yg nama ny SpyWare, Adware, dan Virus. Jadi agan2 ga prlu khawatir klo aplikasi ane ini bisa ngancurin komputer agan scara perlahan(kyak racun aja). Klo agan2 ga percaya dg ane atas award yg udah ane sbutin, agan bisa buka link ny di sini gan. Dan terakhir, klo agan mw donlot Smart StatMat, agan juga bisa donlot ny di sini gan. Smoga ini bsa brguna buat agan2 skalian, trutama ane harap ni bisa brguna buat Indonesia gan(kan skrg tnggal 17 Agustus gan), sebagai bntuk kcintaan ane sma yg namanya Indonesia, agan bisa buka kok di aplikasi Smart StatMat, n agan buka about, agan bkal nemuin gambar di samping gan. Cba agan liat bagian bwah ny gan, ntu sngaja ane cantumin krena ane cinta Indonesia gan(hehe, sok nasionalis). Sebenerny sih ane mw cantumin lambang KASKUS gan, tpi takut ntar dkira mlanggar hak cipta gan(hehe).
Skian dari ane gan, smoga brmanafaat gan. Maju terus Pendidikan INDONESIA!!

2 komentar:

  1. wah...
    tertinggal jauh di dasar jurang ne ane..
    semangat gan!!!
    selama hayat masi dikandung badan (bener g?)


    oy, ada satu lagi,,ditambahin help dunk..ap udah ad?

  2. Hehe,
    iya gan. Kita sama2 smangat lah gan. Sma2 blajar jga. MERDEKA!! hehe..

    Msalah tmbol HELP, ane blum buat gan. Ntar ane tmbahin deh stelah ujian gan.
